Speech Bubbles
Speech Bubbles programme is a targeted, year-long, evidence-based drama intervention for children in KS1 who have Speech, Language and Communication Needs.
What is Speech Bubbles?
Speech Bubbles programme is a targeted, year-long, evidence-based drama intervention for children in KS1 who have Speech, Language and Communication Needs. The programme is designed to give young children an opportunity to have fun telling stories and acting them out, and has a particular emphasis on supporting children to gain confidence and develop their physical and verbal communication skills.
Recent evaluations show that 85% of children who take part in Speech Bubbles showed an improvement in learning, speaking and listening. 86% of children showed behavioural improvements.
Why is it Important?
- 1 in 10 children have Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
- In some areas of the UK up to 50% of children are starting school with delayed communication skills
- 61% of those permanently excluded from school have speech, language and communication needs
What you get from us:
- A day-long induction session for all staff and practitioners (September)
- A collaborative learning session and evaluation session (January and July)
- A drama practitioner to deliver 24 sessions (8 per term)
- A Speech Bubbles INSET for KS1 staff
- All project administration
- A summary of data on the progress made by the children
What we need from you:
- Assign a member of staff to work on Speech Bubbles for the whole year (a TA, Learning Mentor or SENCo)
- Refer 20 children to the programme who have SLCN
- Complete pre and post-project online evaluation forms about the children
Speech Bubbles Report
Click the icon to download the 2022-23 Speech Bubbles Report.
Speech Bubbles Report
2022-23 Speech Bubbles Report.
Work with us
Immediate Theatre are working as a Speech Bubbles delivery partner across Hackney. If you are a Hackney-based school and would like to work in partnership with us to deliver this project, contact Kyarna Morris (Schools Coordinator) at kyarna@immediate-theatre.com.
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