Help & Advice

For help and advice please see below useful information websites and phone numbers.

Useful Links

Find support, information and helplines below.

  • Young Minds

    Young Minds offer free advice on how young people can look after their mental health and support for young people experiencing mental health issues.

  • Childline

    ChildLine is a private and confidential service allowing you to talk to trained counsellors about any problem you may be facing. You can call them for free, at any time, on 0800 1111.

  • Papyrus

    Papyrus (Prevention of Young Suicide) provides confidential advice and support for young people experiencing suicidal thoughts.

  • Headspace

    The Headspace YouTube page has useful videos for young people including how to use social media mindfully and how to set healthy boundaries, as well as guided meditations for reducing anxiety and stress.

  • Live Safe

    Information and support for young people who have been affected by knife crime.

  • Safeline

    Information and support for young people who have experienced revenge porn.